a resource for parents and students
Preparing for an exam
So - you have decided to go for an exam - good for you! Here are a few tips and guidelines to help you on your way.
For your exam you will have to prepare:-
three pieces (or four pieces if you're entering for ABRSM digital upload)
scales and arpeggios OR
technical work
2 out of the following 4 tests
sight reading, improvisation, aural, musical knowledge
Generally - we will work on scales and the pieces together and look at the other tests nearer the exam. Once you have started working on pieces, scales or technical work you need to keep them practised. Everything that you are learning towards the exam must be regularly gone over. You don't necessarily need to practise everything at every session, but over the course of the week it all needs to be covered.
You should aim initially at a minimum of 15 minutes practice every day - more if you can. As more work is covered, this will need to increase until everything is learned. Ideally, the pieces should be ready at full tempo at least 2 weeks before the exam. Any later than that and you haven't worked hard enough!
Hope this is helpful - and good luck!